Produced by Vashon’s own Zach Mann and Mark Mathias Sayre, 1-800-Hot-Nite follows 13-year-old Tommy (Dallas Dupree Young) after he loses his father to a drug raid, embarking upon an urban odyssey guided by a phone sex operator (Ali Richey) and with the help of his two best friends, O’Neill (Gerrison Machado) and Steve (Mylen Bradford).
A film festival favorite (Santa Barbara International Film Festival/Deadcenter) and the 2022 Dances with Films Audience Award Winner for Fusion Features, writer/director Nick Richey’s follow-up to the hit indie Low Low (2019) has been revered by critics as “… a great tale of redemption and growth” ( that is “surprisingly heartfelt and realistic” (Film Threat), and star “[Dallas Dupree] Young is a revelation.” Fans of coming-of-age stories won’t want to miss this special film.